What does it mean to be a chaperone at Mount2000?

A chaperone at Mount2000 will participate as a vessel of the Holy Spirit promoting the encounter between Christ and the students. Specifically, chaperones are to be present to the particular group they came with (the entirety of the retreat) and aid the students spiritually and logistically. As for accommodations, chaperones will: 

  1. Have their own private space for coffee, light snacks, refreshments, and a space to take a break. 

  2. Have their own bathrooms and showers times apart from the students 

  3. Be present to their students overnight by sharing the same general space as them to ensure good behavior

  4. Be a living witness to the joy of the Gospel as living and active in our day 

Where are the students sleeping?

Students will radically heed the Lord's words, “Take nothing for the journey, neither walking stick, nor sack, nor food, nor money…”  Those parishes who choose to participate in our “On Campus Housing” will have their students bring sleeping bags, pillows, and other needed items to prepare to sleep on the floor. 

Boys and girls will sleep overnight in separate buildings, with the girls occupying the ARCC Arena and the boys having several different locations throughout Mount St. Mary’s University campus. The boys' housing will be monitored by male chaperons and seminarians while the girl's housing will be monitored by female chaperons and volunteer female university students/missionaries.  

If there are further questions please contact us

How do I register?

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